Simple example to demonstrate the effect of forcing in the mode-locking regions

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%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from pygrfnn import GrFNN, Zparam
from import Model
from pygrfnn.vis import tf_simple

from daspy import Signal
from daspy.processing import onset_detection_signal
from pyrhythm.library import get_pattern

P = get_pattern('Bossa')

sr = 16000.0

hop_size = 256
x,_ = P.as_signal(sr=sr, reps=8, tempo=60)
x = Signal(x, sr=sr)
x = x.normalize()*10/hop_size  # empirical relationship
t = np.linspace(0,len(x)/sr,len(x))

s = onset_detection_signal(x, hop_size=hop_size, win_len=4096)
ts = np.linspace(0,len(s)/,len(s))

# plt.plot(ts,s)

zp = Zparam(alpha=0.0001, beta1=-2, beta2=0)
g = GrFNN(zp, 
          frequency_range=(0.325, 12), 
m = Model()
m.add_layer(g, input_channel=0)

z0 = [g.z.copy() for g in m.layers()]    # reset states
output_dir = '/Users/jorgeh/Documents/CCRMA/research/ismir2015/frameworkPaper/figs/effectOfForcing'

for gain in [0.25, 1]:

    # reset
    for z, l in zip(z0, m.layers()):
        l.z = z.copy()    
    # run it*s, ts, 1/

    # show TFR
    tf_simple(np.abs(g.Z), ts, g.f, x=gain*s, title="g = {}".format(gain), 
#               vmin=0, 
#               vmax=0.2
    # NOTE: tikz_save can't handle the color bar, so if you uncomment this, you'll need to go to the source code
    # in pygrfnn.vis and comment out the line lines `cb = plt.colorbar(im, ax=axTF, cax=axCB)` and 
    # `'left')`
#     tikz_save('{}/{}.tikz'.format(output_dir

The autoreload extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext autoreload
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